BeyondNLP has expanded and is now The Institute of Applied Psychology. It's the same owners, team and trainers. You'll still get the experience, fun and personal touch that we're known for.
AICH has expanded and is now The Institute of Applied Psychology. It's the same owners, team and trainers. You'll still get the experience, fun and personal touch that we're known for.
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Winner of The ABA100 Training Excellence 2023 Award
Weight loss and hypnosis: stay fit and be confident using hypnotherapy Feeling eager to enhance their fitness level, many people start diets and join gyms so that they can reach their weight loss goals, but a lot of them will fail. Maintaining diets and working out is not always easy, and many people become discouraged […]
A Brief History of Hypnotherapy Though practitioners haven’t always understood how it works, studies by respected and peer-reviewed publications such as the International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis and the Journal of the National Cancer Institute and Health Psychology show that hypnosis can measurably improve outcomes for many different types of therapies. While hypnotherapy […]
Modern hypnosis vs traditional, what’s the difference? There are two very distinct forms of hypnotherapy taught in this country- the traditional, often script-based approach, and the modern Ericksonian approach. They are sometimes better known as the direct or authoritative hypnosis and indirect or permissive hypnosis.